Lignin Unchained
Lignin is a fickle molecule to say the least. We’ve worked with lignin for some time and created some interesting composites.
Working with unmodified lignins we’ve seen there are limitations to how much lignin can be loaded into a particular composite. Tensile strength drops off significantly as lignin is added. Lignin builds modulus so the higher the lignin percentage the stiffer the resulting composite. However, as it gets stiffer it also becomes more brittle.
Working with modified lignins we’ve been able to produce composites with 70% or greater lignin loadings. These composites melt readily and I believe that they could be used for 3D printing applications. However, applications would be limited due to the brittleness resulting from high lignin concentrations. Our modified lignins allow for higher lignin concentrations within a particular composite and can be done so economically. Values of $2,000 – $5,000 per metric ton certainly make our products commercially feasible.
It’s good to see Oak Ridge continue to work on lignin.
Lignin Unchained, 3D printable: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to Engineered Lignin Bioplastics
The News of the Death of Paper are Greatly Exaggerated
Since the inception of the digital age people have predicted the demise of paper. While printing and graphics papers have certainly seen a decline, the overall paper industry is growing. The need for hygiene and packaging products continues to grow globally offsetting the declines in other paper products. As global economies grow and develop, the demand for these products will also grow.
Pulp, paper, and packaging in the next decade: Transformational change
More Lignin
Domtar, an early adopter of lignin isolation technology, looks to expand lignin production. This bodes well for future lignin products. Lignin application development should accelerate as more lignin becomes available.
Making Strides with Lignin: Biomaterials Research Creates New Opportunities
Lignin Paint Primer
Researchers continue to make strides in developing applications for lignin. The Fraunhofer Institute has been a leader in lignin research for some time. This is just another example of some of their great work.
A paint primer on the basis of lignin: A step towards independence from fossil resources