
We are now over a quarter of the way through our Kickstarter campaign.  On a linear scale, we should be at around $13k in pledges by now.  Unfortunately, we’re not there.  I know there are several people who said they will pledge but have yet to do so.  We’re not as bad off as it looks, but things need to start picking up.  So please continue to spread the word and encourage others to pledge.

The Lignin Chair is definitely a unique piece.  It’s something no one else in the world can produce because no one else knows how to make the resin.  It can be a statement piece that functions quite comfortably.  It’s a conversation starter.  Who else has a chair that’s made of wood plastic?

Ultimately the Lignin Chair makes more efficient use of already available resources.  Lignin content in wood can be up to 40%.  Creating a useful, high-value material from lignin is inherently resourceful.  Being more efficient and more resourceful are two things I think we can all get behind.

If you’re reading this I’m probably preaching to the choir.   So go out and share this with people who don’t know what lignin is or where it comes from.