New Partnerships

Prisma Renewable Composites  and Domtar just announced a new partnership.  It’s good to see Domtar continuing the push for more lignin applications.  This is a great market they’re going after.  Lignin has great potential in composites.  There are some...

Lignin-Based Graphene

Research continues in creating advanced materials from lignin.  It’s good to see Domtar and the Forest Products Lab push the envelope on lignin-based graphene.  Lignin-based materials could reduce the cost and increase the availability of these advanced...

Lignin Chair – Last Day

Tomorrow is the final day of our the Lignin Chair Kickstarter campaign.  It doesn’t look like we’ll hit our goal of $50k.  I am glad to have the experience though.  What I’ve seen so far is that there is real interest in using lignin in place of...

Lignin Chair – The Final Countdown

We’re in the final stretch of our Kickstarter campaign, we have 8 days left.  We have broken through the 5% mark and are well on our way to 6% of our goal.  It’s going to be quite a challenge to reach our goal, but it’s certainly possible. Looking at...

Lignin Chair – Day 16

We have officially reached the halfway point of our Kickstarter campaign and we are a little less than 5% of the way to our goal.  Most pledges for Kickstarter campaigns come during the beginning and the end of the campaign.  We’re going to need a big push at...

Lignin Chair – Day 8

We are now over a quarter of the way through our Kickstarter campaign.  On a linear scale, we should be at around $13k in pledges by now.  Unfortunately, we’re not there.  I know there are several people who said they will pledge but have yet to do so. ...